
Dr. Yan Liu

Dr. Yan Liu is a Certified Specialist of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics with over 20 years of experience as both practitioner and educator. She is also a part-time clinical professor of Faculty of Dentistry at UBC. She is involved in clinical teaching in Graduate Orthodontics Program and Undergraduate Program. She is an active member in Canadian Association of Orthodontics as well as the British Columbia Society of Orthodontists. Dr. Liu received her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in Beijing Medical University and graduated from the Orthodontic Specialty Program and gained her PhD degree at Peking University in Beijing, China. As a full-time faculty in Peking University School of Stomatology, Dr. Liu has been teaching, practicing and doing research for many years. In 2004, she did Post Doctoral Fellowship in Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific in US. Having been practicing for twenty years, Dr. Liu is very passionate on providing patients with professional and high standard orthodontic treatment. She strives to explore the efficient treatment modalities that serve patients well and keep her knowledge and skills updated. She also cares about the ongoing research and development in Orthodontics and how to improve the long-term impact on patient’s beautiful smile. Dr. Liu loves to know her patients and their families, and dedicates to serving patients with both comfortable and effective treatment. Some patients either become her good friends or pursue dentistry as career life under her influence. In her spare time, Dr. Liu enjoys having fun time with her family. She loves to golf, bike and practice yoga as well.

刘妍医师是拥有20多年执业经验的加拿⼤正畸专科认证医师,也是英属哥伦⽐亚⼤学(UBC)⽛ 医学院的兼职教授。她在正畸研究⽣项⽬和本科项⽬中担任临床教学⼯作。她是加拿⼤正畸协 会、BC省正畸医师学会的会员。 刘医师本科毕业于北京医科⼤学,硕博连读取得北京⼤学⼝腔正畸博⼠学位。毕业后她留校在北 京⼤学⼝腔医院⼯作,多年从事教学、科研和临床⼯作。2004年,她在美国太平洋⼤学Arthur A. Dugoni⽛医学院完成博⼠后项⽬并回国继续⼯作。 在20年的从业⽣涯中,刘医师⼀直热衷于为患者提供⾼质量且专业的矫正服务。为此,她专注于 实践⾼效的治疗技术和学习前沿的知识,以期为患者带来更好的治疗效果。她⼗分注重正畸领域 的学术研究和发展以及如何提升患者的⻓期美学效果。 刘医师热爱她的患者和他们的家⼈,通过舒适及⾼效的正畸治疗让他们感受到关爱。在正畸治疗 后,有些患者与她成为好朋友,有些患者则在她的影响下选择⽛医作为将来的职业。 业余时间⾥,刘医师与家⼈共享美好的休闲时光。她喜欢做⼀些户外运动,例如⾼尔夫,⾃⾏ ⻋,此外也喜欢做瑜伽练习。